Wednesday 6 February 2008

Parka Appreciation!

In a matter of, roughly 12 hours - I'll have money o.O
Wayhey for student pennies! Literally pennies though xD haha! But, one thing I'm purchasing with my new found wealth is my Parka tickets for May
Can't wait to see them again! Absolutely adore parka =3 they'll do Scotland proud xD haha
This is Parka at Glasgow King Tuts last month (January) playing Bosses & B**tards

Haw yes! I was that close to the front! xD Damn right. I ended up talking to some fella who's apparently in the appletini's (apparently they're on myspace) who was causing so much shaking on the camera =/ but when you're /in/ the crowd near the front you expect that - heck you're lucky if you can stand up on your own at all - it's more a group movement lol
As Eleanor found out when I dragged her to the front of a Muse gig.... Mmm.

But aye!!! I remember when we first found Parka. Random as ya like. Me & Eleanor, driving to college one morning listening to Xfm as normal - they announced that the winter wonderland tickets were going on sale at 9am... naturally, we were running late and stuck in traffic so I dunno... We'd just been paid, we wanted to do something and the Stereophonics & the Twang were gonna be playing - xD I'm so sold!
So we got the tickets and Parka were one of the bands playing there - they're playing Better Anyway. =D ain't they so cute standing there with their acoustic set and a hugeeee audience xDDD Aww!

They gave it their all though and they're brilliant - One Sherbet was immediately in love <3
Ooh also! Must go to a Glasvegas gig =3 They've been pretty popular on the radio, and I think they'll be pretty big soon so I wanna get a smaller more intermediate gig - the sooner the better! xD I just love how they sing and don't lose the Scottish accent - Genius!

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